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Obesity is most likely the carrying of excessive bodyweight, usually by way of excess body fat. The amount of bodyweight that is certainly considered higher than average often depends upon the particular lifestyle. Modern Western world culture values thinness (a vata or air type frame). Many eastern and traditional cultures have valued heaviness (a Kapha or water type frame), revealing affluence or perhaps much more to actually eat.

Overweight most likely are not a disease, for that reason, and yet a common condition of having more weight than the cultural standard. It must be observed that attempts to stay in artificially thin could possibly be unhealthy and may even aggravate vata, the biological air humor. Chronically overweight truly turns into a disease whenever excess weight possessed is extremely higher than average and also ends up in other health problems (hypertension, diabetes or arthritis).

Still, as stated by Ayurveda, it is advisable to be too thin rather than overweight. It's always much easier to build up a person who is just too thin rather than to reduce a person who is too huge. A huge person's body is a really good creating place for toxic substances (Ama) and may even decrease the life span.

Factors that cause overweight includes things like overeating, eating too much heavy or cold food, too frequent meals, excessive sleeping, and not having enough exercise. Eating habits and hormonal imbalances may be in existence. Over emotional factors include things like attachment, sentimentality along with clinging. Not having enough self-esteem is often an important factor. In some cases the extra bodyweight becomes a security and safety factor, build for stronger protection in working with the entire world. In most cases, the digestive fire will probably be weakened in this disease with low or perhaps slow metabolic processes. Most commonly it is a Kapha (water) disease in Ayurveda.

Weight-reducing and also appetite-suppressing medicinal drugs may even suppress the digestive fire and, within the long-term, even further weaken one's metabolism. They might also increase vata (air) and also in doing so aggravate nervous-type obesity.

Obesity is proven to be passed on from one generation to another. Signs and symptoms of obesity are observed as follows:

  • Enlarged stomach, waist, thighs, and/or buttocks
  • Fatigue
  • Saggy breasts (in women)

Long Term effects of obesity left untreated end up with one or more of the following conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart trouble
  • Ulcers
  • Clogged arteries
  • High cholesterol
  • Hypertension
  • Lowered body's immune system

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